
Truong CG Artist

a cg artist from Vietnam



Why you should reference your rig before animating in Maya from Animation Pandemic

Animation Masterclass: How to Create a Dinosaur Run Cycle in Maya from Mark Masters

Indian Leopard Unreal Control Rig

Werewolf Control Rig is now available on Unreal Marketplace

Eyes missing/ Black/ Green/ White in Maya/ Unreal


If you have this situation, where eyes are:

  • White
  • Black
  • Green


  • Maya
  • Unreal
  • etc

It is probably due to the lens/ eye corneas meshes. You can:

  • Hide them (in Maya Outliner)
  • Delete them
  • Not selecting them while exporting


Assign water/glass like shader in Maya/ Unreal/ etc to have the eye highlights

Install Pymel for Maya 2024

Pymel download: Why people make it more complicated than it should be? (I spent a long time to figure this out lol)

Side notes for people not installing Python3 yet: 1. You need to download and install the latest version of Python (just google it) (for example 3.11.4). Hit next next until it’s done 2. You need to go to Advanced System Setting (search “advanced system setting” after hit Windows button on keyboard) . Hit Environment Variables button (near OK and Cancel..) . Go to System Variable, find Path, hit Edit, then hit New. And paste the folder direction: C:\Users\[your user name here]\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Scripts . Ok until it’s done. 3. Check if pip is working: run CMD, type: pip -V 4. If it’s working then you can do the pip install pymel-1.4.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl and have the 2 pymel folders in the site package folder C:\Users\[your user name]\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages

FBX to RIGIFY (Blender Addon – Early development)

The dream tool is being made: FBX to RIGIFY by sensei Trong Hoan 🤟 Sign up here to get emails when the tool is out 🥳

The Tyrant dragon rig to Unreal Engine

a tutorial on how to bring the Tyrant dragon rig into game engine

Kong Walkcycle Tutorial / Maya Animation from Nav Animator

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